Repayment period (from the next day to 1-year max)
Any repayment can be made the day after the loan and not later than 1 year after.
Annual Percentage Rate of Charge (APRC)
Our maximum annual percentage rate of charge is 24%. It covers both the interest rate and all other costs incurred during the year.
Here are some examples of loans and repayment:
1- You borrow $300 and wish to repay monthly: you could have 3 payments of $172.76.
2- You borrow $500 and wish to repay every two weeks: you could have 6 payments of $125.26.
3- You borrow $750 and wish to repay each week: you could have 14 payments of $80.96.
4- You borrow $1,000 and wish to repay monthly: you could have 4 payments of $379.76.